Why China?

Before asking why China, let's take a look at China's stable growing economy and the reforms that underpin this economy.


When the Chinese Communist Party took over in 1949, the country's economy was entirely based on agriculture. Although many industrialization moves were tried in the 50s and 60s, the desired result could not be achieved. The Great Chinese Famine between 1958-1961, which also caused the death of an average of 30 million people, had a significant impact on this. In these years, the government stopped all machinery and equipment imports and had to urgently import basic food. Thus, China's industrialization dream was put on the shelf for a while until 1978.


We can trace the beginning of the journey that led China to become a global giant in 1978. In 1978, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China took a historic decision and ignited the reforms in the economic field. Concluding that excessive central planning did not provide sufficient efficiency, the committee made a series of changes aimed at reducing the share of the state in planning and development.

The country, which had a foreign trade deficit of 800 million dollars in 1978 with 6.8 billion dollars of exports and 7.6 billion dollars of imports, took the biggest step towards becoming the 'factory of the world' as we call it today, with 22.6 billion dollars of exports and 17.8 billion dollars of imports in 1982. . Its economy is developing day by day, providing opportunities for new directions and opportunities. The best example of this is the One Belt One Road Project, first mentioned by Xi Jinping in 2013. (For more details on the One Belt One Road Project, you can read Whatis a Belt One Road Project.)


Although the commercial potential between China and Turkey and the insufficient use of this potential come to our agenda frequently, China-Turkey trade relations are developing steadily. Turkey-China trade relations, which achieved a trade volume of 1 billion dollars for the first time in 2000, have started to increase since then. This figure was recorded as 7.4 billion dollars in 2005, 19.5 billion dollars in 2010 and 23.6 billion dollars in 2018.

Many projects are being put forward in order to accelerate this increase in Turkey-China trade relations. The most important and biggest of these projects is the One Belt One Road Project. In this sense, the One Belt One Road Project offers serious opportunities for both countries. Turkey has been one of the biggest supporters of the initiative, which was developed by China and shared with the international public in 2013, from the very first days. By displaying determination to include the Mid-Belt Line that he had planned in the initiative, he showed his desire to take an active role in the Modern Silk Road as well as in the Ancient Silk Road.

Thanks to the helpful and cooperative understanding of China and Turkey, far from the colonial understanding of the West, from the past, the potential of the two countries to jointly invest in third countries is a great opportunity for both countries.


One of the most important factors for me to study in China is the opportunities that I think will come my way due to China's fast growing economy. However, the main factor is to create the infrastructure for my country's position in the new bipolar world order. I would like to take steps for these projects to be in the field, not on the table, by making an effort to make a place for Turkey as well as the development of China and to ensure that joint projects are signed. My goal is to act as a bridge between the two states so that the economic and commercial potentials between China and Turkey can be used sufficiently by taking steps in this direction.